Neo-Realms Entertainment

Universal card game.
© Bryan King 06

Basic attacks must all be used on one card. Specials may be divided among cards.

A creature comes with 1 point health and starts at level 0. The maximum Level a card can have is 10.Each card must be at least level 1. The cards are laid out in two rows. The front can be hit by melee damage and ranged. The back row can be hit by ranged damage or melee damage from a flying target. For a card to be moved to the back row it must have two cards in front of it acting as blockers. Cards can be rearranged after each players turn ends. Only one card is activated per turn. Once activated a card may use its Basic attacks against one target and use all its specials on various targets. Each players total playing cards may not exceed level 30.

Basic Melee Attack, +1 Level + 1 Flip a coin if it lands on heads deal 1 point of melee damage.
Basic Ranged Attack, +1 Level + 2 Flip a coin if it lands on heads deal 1 point of ranged damage.
Instant Damage Melee, +1 Level + 2 Instantly damage 1 melee target.
Instant Damage Ranged, +1 Level + 3 Instantly cause 1 point of damage to any 1 target.
Replenish Health, +1 Level + 1 On a successful roll 1 point of health is replenished to any 1 target.
Instant health, +1 Level + 2 Instantly gives 1 point of health to any 1 target.
Temp Health, +1 Level + 2 Assign temporary health to 1 card, health dissipates if this card is removed from game.
Toughness, Level + 4 For each successful melee or ranged weapon damage roll against this card the opponent must make a second successful roll or the attack does no damage.
Ghostly, Level + 3 Ghostly cards can only be attacked on even rounds
Legion, Level + 2 Legion cards may all activate in the same round, may not individually exceed level 4.
Massacre, Level + 2 Massacre allows for different melee targets to be hit with sequential attack.
Barrage, Level + 1 Barrage allows for different ranged targets to be hit with each sequential attack.
Counter, +1 Level + 3 Counter 1 character's special ability until it is reassigned or the casting creature dies.
Flying, +1 Level + 4 Cannot be hit by melee unless the attacker has flying as well. May attack ranged cards with melee unless they are blocked by at least one flying card.
Earthquake, +1 Level + 3 Every creature on both sides with out flying must make a damage roll.
Life Drain, +1 Level + 4 Make a ranged attack roll if the attack hits your steal 1 life.
Guard, Level + 1 May block on its own. May block flying cards.
Luck, +1 Level + 1 For each level of luck place a token on the card at the start of the game. Remove a token to re-flip any coin at any time.
Melee Counter Attack, +2 Level + 1 For each level of M.C.A. put 2 tokens on the card. Remove one token after the the card is hit by any melee attack to make a counter melee flip. Counters are replenished after each turn.
Ranged Counter Attack, +1 Level + 1 For each level of R.C.A. put a token on the card. Remove one token after the the card is hit by any attack to make a counter attack flip. Counters are replenished after each turn.
Grounded, Level + 2 All cards loose the ability to fly for 2 rounds. If the card is removed from game then grounded ends.

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Neo-Realms Entertainment Neo-Realms Entertainment