PONE tournament at 3 Alarm Comics Nov 8th.
https://www.facebook.com/events/913212518762441/ Bryan | Sat Nov 7 8:25:53 | [113] |
PONE tournament at 3 Alarm Comics Nov 8th.
https://www.facebook.com/events/913212518762441/ |
Psy Bryan | Thu Jun 25 22:29:05 | [112] |
I will be doing a panel at the Mississippi Comic con this Sunday in Jackson on the Psychology of Art and wanted to share some of the links that I find relevant to my talk. Enjoy!
Landscape Architecture, by John Ormsbee Simonds
http://www.arttherapyblog.com/online/color-psychology-psychologica-effects-of-colors/#.VYy1_UZ0pMg |
fen Bryan | Thu Mar 5 20:20:39 | [111] |

Pensacon Bryan | Wed Feb 25 23:21:43 | [110] |

Pensacon Bryan | Sun Feb 22 20:58:36 | [109] |
Pensacon is this weekend and that mean playing P.O.N.E., Tower Charge, and Fenrir all weekend. If you love cons and live anywhere near the Gulf Coast than this will be the place to be. http://pensacon.com/ We are also excited to announce that the larger sleeker P.O.N.E. Alpha card game is now available at https://www.thegamecrafter.com/games/p.o.n.e.-alpha make sure to pick your own copy up today. If you would like to follow the various art from Neo-Realms and Bryan King than bookmark us at http://neoking07.deviantart.com/ and don’t forget the old comics at http://neo-earth.com/index.php Later my friends. |