Udates Bryan | Thu Aug 20 23:28:51 | [71] |
New NENW comic udate and randome comic update. Book 5 comes too a close monday and then book 6 starts.... It's the final book.....WANANAh. |
NENW back on regular updates. Bryan | Thu Aug 6 20:59:42 | [70] |
Alrighty, Jessica has done a tone of pencils for NENW and we have two comics ready too go…. Enjoy. P.S. Alice will be back with some random comicness Friday.
Enjoy. |
Final Countdown Bryan | Mon Aug 3 23:40:59 | [69] |
Ladies and gentlemen the summer is in effect… over. It was very eventful. I have sold my house and should be shortly moving into a new home on the lake I have wanted to live at since I was a child. Lake O Pines was the place to be if you where a King. My cousins and I hunted fish and fought our way too being men under the watchful eye of PAPA King. I have more stories to tell about the lake than will fit in this blog so I will doll them out when pertinent. In comic news I am finishing up the last few pages of book 5 and tightening the script for book 6. Now book 6 is important because it will conclude the Neo Earth Cursed artifacts storyline. I can’t describe how much $%*! will hit the fan in the next book. I am at an interesting point in my artistic career. Its been a few years now that I have worked on this story and now it’s ending. Now I don’t have writers block but I do have another problem. Which story do I tell!!! I will be posting art they next few weeks showing the ideas that plague me and would early like input. Every time I think I know which story to go with I change my mind. Anyway look for the character ideas to be popping up. Comicon has given us and Alice in wonderland trailer that looks very promising. Disney is also producing a traditional 2d cartoon… Gasp, maybe there is hope for them yet. Pixar can only keep them afloat for so long.
Later my friends
Bryan King |
One crazy summer Bryan | Tue Jun 30 16:35:27 | [68] |
Forgive me my friends for my summer lethargy. A while back Steven improved the site my using a new system for archiving the comics. Unfortunately I dropped the ball on my end and didn’t think to redo my add links. It would seem that many viewers where linking back to the old system and long story short it looked like we hadn’t been updating. The good news is that you get weeks of comics all at once. Also my home computer died and while temporarily working again thanks to Jason it is still freezing up. Long story short I have a ton of great Random comics to scan and upload so don’t thing we have left them behind. When school starts back up we will also see NENW back on track with Jessica’s amazing art.
Thank you for your time,
Bryan King
Oh and update your bookmarks to http://www.neo-earth.com it’s the safe bet.
New NENW page Bryan | Fri May 29 18:31:25 | [67] |
Woot! New NENW artwork out today. Make sure to see Jessicas other work at Jessica's page if my html code didn’t work because I am just an artist darn it copy and past. http://shiezka.deviantart.com/
Thank you for your time,
Bryan King