Greetings and salutation my friends, This has been a great week. The comic is online, summer is coming, and best of all I set a wedding date with my wonderful partner Monica. This week in the Neo Blog I submit for your approval a breakdown of Neo Earth. I hope this helps my readers to get a feel for the world. As you read you may be thinking that a map would help well not to fear the map is completed and it should be online soon.
Later my friends.
North Varaland: Mountainous
South Varaland: 1/3rd low lying, predominanty forested, mulitiple rivers, and host the main popuace.
Farming, Ore, Folk art, and Glasswear. Varaland is also known for spawning hardy warriors that set out to take what they can from the word.
Kingdom with a larg counsil. Merchants have a lot of influence.
3 Regions:
North Goremose: Low Lying plains.
Cetral Goremose: Upper lands, Hills.
South Goremose: Mountainous
Farming in the north, vineyards in central Goremose, and mining in the south.
Goremose specialises in weapon manufactureing and raw iron.
Goremose has many tribes that are lead by their chiefs. Large decisions are made by moots that bring together the scattered tribes.
Pail Lands
Mountainous region with extremely diverse Races and theologies.
Most of the Pailands are filled with poor, lower class people living like animals tryng to survive day by day, Because of loose laws and a unified people there are many underhanded dealings going on in the Pail Lands.
Kingdom with dark lords ruling over the scattered people.
Wide pains with mountainous south central region.
Ivergoth has a bustling agriculture specializing in fruit and also has large amounts of Livestock.
Iveagoth is a Matriarch with a ruling Queen.
The lands of Liguri forested mountains and multiple short rivers. The lower lands are temperate and tropic.
Liguri has the best vineyards in the world. Fishing villages and farms dot the coastline while an underground society runs illegal wears.
The church rules supreme in Liguri with the Pope in charge followed by the Cardinals, Bishops and Fathers.
Ancient lan with a vast plain and a great Plateau.
Olive oil, lemons, oranges, strawberries, alchemical supplies, beer, and tobacco. The only thing that shadows Ibus's popularity in diversity is it magnificent horses.
Ibus is a Kingdom that keeps close ties to the church.
Temprate lands and lush forest have given way to a population explosion and social revolution. Vast cities fill the land of Etherland.
High populace. The land is the most advanced society with great art museums and libraries. An arts and crafts mecca Etherland also makes the finest ships on water.
Etherland is ruled by a King that takes council from the house of nobles and the house of Commoners. This arrangement leads to very volatile meetings.
The northern highlands trickle down into fertile planes. In the west are the Emerald Islands.
The denizens of Grandshire live off the land. Although they do a rudimentary farm they feel it is much better to live off the natural world.
The land of Grandshire is populated by tribes each with their own Chieftain.
This is the beginning. Bryan | Mon Apr 2 22:32:33 | [1]
Greetings and salutations my friends. This has been a long time in coming and I am very excited. I want to give you a brake down of the lands that Neo-Earth takes place in, but it would seem that a quick story is in order first. Neo-Earth was created back in 89. I had just finished reading the Akira graphic novels and realized my art would never progress until I had a cohesive world for my character to live in. Throwout the years that I have published stories from Neo-Earth in hardback and electronic format. This is to be my definitive work. My vision is to follow the citizens of Neo-Earth and branch out, as the story progresses. I hope you enjoy the world as much as I have enjoyed creating it.
Later my friends
Bryan King