Neo-Realms Entertainment

Wizard World Podcast
Bryan | Fri Feb 11 17:52:25 | [96]
Hey I'm on a podcast with my buddy Alec!!!!! Go listen why dontcha.
Wizard World Podcast

F3 Spit Roast!!!
Bryan | Sun Feb 6 5:02:13 | [95]

Copy and past to go to F3 facebook.!/event.php?eid=145824308808642

Wizard World
Bryan | Thu Jan 27 18:02:32 | [94]
Come get a Kingly Adventures Cookbook in New Orleans at Wizard World Con this weekend!!!! I'll have a free cookie waiting at my table.

Kingly Adventures Cookbook, now for sale!!!!!!
Bryan | Tue Jan 25 0:55:50 | [93]

Bryan | Sat Jan 15 11:59:10 | [90]
WOOT! the Kingly Adventures Cookbook came in!!! Um, that's the how to cook mythical creatures book Monica and I have been working on. They will be on sale at Wizard World con in New Orleans the 29th...
click here
click here

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