Neo-Realms Entertainment

Bryan | Mon Oct 25 13:13:14 | [86]
Hey gang. I entered this new web comic contest at wevolt. They are new to the game but I like their setup so do me a favor and go check them out and ummm, vote for Neo-Earth as well.
Go Vote PLZ!!!

Bryan | Sun Oct 3 22:37:46 | [85]
Greetings my friends. As you may know by now I am redoing the comic in color woot. Black and white was a lot of fun but the truth of things is most people need the full spectrum. I’d like to intoroduce you to an internet radio station. This particular one is country and is very nice. I have to admit that country is a recent love of mine mainly due to my wife. By nature I am an 80s pop fan. In any case go check out the station and enjoy the music. It will soon be up on our kink page. Look for some exciting new changes on the website in the next few months. We will be bringing you a very special video section that I feel will bring us all closer together.

King out.

Time to watch the Thor movie trailer.... Click pic
Bryan | Fri Jul 30 11:25:26 | [84]

Stolen Art
Bryan | Fri Jul 30 11:02:34 | [83]

Eric Basaldua a comic book penciler I follow on Deviant has has two portfolios stolen this weekend while he was at a con. This is becoming a disturbing trend. When I was at Mechacon a few weeks back someone had grabbed a money box from under a table and took off. In any case This is a link to the stolen art, please keep a lookout for it at your local comic stores and on e-bay.
Thank you for your time.

click here

Con Report!!!
Bryan | Mon Jul 19 16:07:22 | [82]
Convention report, Mechacon:

Mechacon was great we moved enough shirt to make me shift my focus. I’ll always push my sequential art but the prints are going to be all but gone. People like shirts and they sell. You know what!!!! I like designing shirts so in essence, more shirts to come. The staff was friendly New Orleans was fun and most of the guest where at a tolerable level of crazy. Most that is but not all! Anime kids are a cool breed of fan. If you go to a sci-fi con and visit the dance you usually see a bunch of kids sitting around the dance floor. These anime fans conversely go nuts on a dance floor. Well it’s time to get some art done.

Later my friends.

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Vote for Neo-Earth!
Neo-Realms Entertainment Neo-Realms Entertainment